新关注 > 信息聚合 > 设计师爆料:今年将要推出神话题材相关的英雄


Designers broke the news: this year will launch mythological themes related to the hero

2015-09-13 14:40:30来源: 巴士LOL

附魔:欢欣的价格问题 在论坛上,有玩家问到为什么附魔:欢欣只增加20点移动速度价格却这么高: “当他们把一级鞋的移动速度从50下调到25的时候,是不是所有增加移动速度的被动效果价格都翻倍了?” Reinboom对此做出了解释: “叮!你说的没错。 我之前经常这么说‘我...

enchant: price of joy at the forum, player asked why enchant: elation increased only 20 points moving speed of the price is so high: "when they put the shoes movement speed from 50 down to 25, is not all increase movement speed the passive effect of the price doubled?" Reinboom made to explain this: "Ding! You said yes. I always say, 'I'm so...