新关注 > 信息聚合 > OMG大哥退役 微博问好遭炮轰:赶紧滚去训练(图)

OMG大哥退役 微博问好遭炮轰:赶紧滚去训练(图)

OMG brother retired microblogging regards shelling, hurriedly roll to training (Figure)

2015-09-12 15:13:49来源: 东北网


recent OMG clan brother gogoing into network reds, each big forum, post bar and a twitter inside can see of his subject. But this is not a what glorious thing, but because the true unsatisfactory some time ago LPL spring quarter finals gogoing, even can be described as bad and his single Ma because of the fans is netizens joked as carousels, this time of the network.