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CS枪王亲临解说 《全民枪战》新一代枪战手游

CS double tap to visit the interpretation "universal gunfight" a new generation of shooting hand travel

2015-09-13 17:51:02来源: 4399

近日,超人气FPS电竞手游《全民枪战》官网通过一组创意十足的海报,诠释了其最新品牌主张:CA-新一代的枪战选择,而紧接着一系列的后续活动正在紧锣密鼓地进行中。据悉,《全民枪战》精英邀请赛将于今日(9月12日)在北京举行,而CS界的传奇人物枪王Alex也会到场担任解说,着实令人期待。 精...

recently, super popular FPS gaming hand travel website "universal gunfight" by full of a group of creative poster, the interpretation of the latest brand advocates: CA shootout a new generation of choice. And the following a series of follow-up activities are in full swing in. It is reported that the national shooting "Invitational will today (September 12) in Beijing held, and CS legend double tap Alex will to the scene as a commentary, really exciting. Fine...

标签: 手游