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儿时乐趣 东方故事大富翁带你跳格子

Childhood fun story Oriental millionaire hopscotch

2015-09-10 14:28:10来源: 新浪

有多少玩家还记得当年的经典《大富翁》?这款为我们的童年来带无数欢笑与乐趣的游戏,如今在《东方故事》里重现啦! 各类卡片、各种神仙悉数登场,掷骰子前进触发各类事件赢取奖励——似曾相识又有全新乐趣,一起来看看吧! 【地图格子跳跳乐,大富翁周周见】 每周日晚上20点至21点,所有4...

take you how many game player remember the classic "millionaire"? This game that is a fun game for our childhood, which is now in the "Oriental story"! Various kinds of cards, the gods is taken to the threshing ground, dice forward trigger various events to win the award, the familiar and a new fun, together and see it! [map lattice music and dance, millionaire Zhou Zhou see] Sunday evening to 20 points to 21 points, all 4...