新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界》真人电影再度延期 上映时间未定

《我的世界》真人电影再度延期 上映时间未定

"My world" live action movie has been postponed for another time

2020-10-08 07:18:48来源: 游戏时光

  在经历了多次更换导演与编剧和疫情等众多波折后,华纳宣布《我的世界》真人电影将再次延期,并且上映日期未定。  《我的世界》电影基于同名游戏改编,讲述了在末影龙的威胁下,一个女孩在旅程中召集同伴一同保护家乡的故事。本片于 2014 年立项,原本定档 2019 年 5 月 24 日,后延期至 2022 年 3 月 4 日,而现在则随着《蝙蝠侠》《黑客帝国4》等华纳电影一同改变了上映计划,目前档期未定。来源:Eurogamer

After many twists and turns such as changing directors and screenwriters and the epidemic situation, Warner announced that the live action movie "my world" would be postponed again and the release date was not set. Based on the game of the same name, "my world" tells the story of a girl gathering her companions to protect her hometown under the threat of the last movie dragon. The film was approved in 2014, originally scheduled for May 24, 2019, and then extended to

标签: 电影 我的世界