新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新浪独家:游久并购5173 未完成17173并购因缴税..

新浪独家:游久并购5173 未完成17173并购因缴税..

Sina exclusive: long travel mergers and acquisitions 5173 unfinished 17173 mergers and acquisitions due to tax..

2015-06-18 18:46:27来源: 新浪

新浪游戏记者独家了解到,自12日开始停牌的游久游戏(600652)已完成对游戏交易平台5173的并购,收购原因为看重5173在游戏账号、装备交易方面的平台优势,预计并购后将有利于打造游久自家发行游戏的交易体系。 此外,新浪游戏还了解到,业内传闻已久的游久收购17173案有了最新进展。...

Sina game reporter has learned exclusively, since 12 start of suspension travel long game (600652) has been completed on trading platform gaming 5173 mergers and acquisitions, the acquisition of reason valued 5173 in game account, equipment trading platform, is expected to M & A will to create a travel issue for a long time on their own game trading system. In addition, Sina game also learned that the industry has long rumored to travel long acquisition of the 17173 case of the latest progress. ...