新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王菀之嫁设计师男友 杨千嬅张敬轩现身祝贺

王菀之嫁设计师男友 杨千嬅张敬轩现身祝贺

Ivana Wong married designer boyfriend Miriam Hins Cheung appeared to congratulate

2015-11-28 18:13:43来源: 广西新闻网

11月28日,歌手王菀之与设计师男友Eric So (苏卓航)在香港阳明山庄注册结婚,杨千嬅 、容祖儿 、张敬轩 、吴君如等好友到场祝贺。 杨千嬅抱儿子Torres和新人合影

11 month 28, married singer Ivana and designer boyfriend Eric so Su Zhuohang in Hong Kong Parkview registered, Miriam Yeung, Joey Yung, Hins Cheung, Sandra ng, and so friends arrived at the scene to congratulate. Miriam Yeung holds his son Torres and the couple photo