新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国足两战吉尔吉斯狂轰7球 佩家军不败率高达90%

国足两战吉尔吉斯狂轰7球 佩家军不败率高达90%

The country foot two war 7 Kyrgyz pounded the ball Pei Jiajun unbeaten rate is as high as 90%

2014-12-13 22:35:05来源: 搜狐

搜狐体育讯 4-0!凭借着武磊、杨旭的进球以及对手的乌龙,国足在湖南郴州大胜吉尔吉斯斯坦,取得了亚洲杯前三场热身赛的开门红。 吉尔吉斯斯坦这个对手国足并不陌生,2009年7月25日,国足曾在天津...

Sohu Sohu sports news 4-0! With Wu Lei, Yang Xu's goal as well as rivals oolong, the country foot in Hunan Chenzhou victory over Kyrgyzstan, get the Asian Cup three warm-up match before the start. Kyrgyzstan this rival country foot is not strange, in July 25, 2009, the country foot was in tianjin...