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湿热天最易“爆痘” 长痘是五脏“晴雨表”

On hot and humid days is most likely to "explosion Changdou pox" is five zang organs "barometer"

2015-05-27 17:31:35来源: 东北新闻网

原标题:湿热天最易“爆痘”长痘是五脏“晴雨表” 阅读提要:南方湿热,容易生出一脸痤疮,而“脸上不同部位长痘能反映五脏六腑的健康”,这样的说法流传甚广,比如说,额头长痘说明心火旺,左脸长痘代表肝不...

original title: on hot and humid days most easily burst Changdou pox "is the" barometer "of the five zang organs, read feeds: humid southern and easily give birth to a face of acne, and in different parts of the face Zhangdou can reflect the health of the six Fu organs", this argument spread far and wide, for example, forehead Zhangdou that heart Huo Wang, left cheek Zhangdou liver...