新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京大学2014年校办产业资产总额突破1800亿


Peking University in 2014 the industry run by total assets exceeded 180000000000

2015-01-26 22:14:07来源: 人民网

人民网北京1月26日电 (记者林露)近日,北京大学2014年校办产业年会举行。校长助理黄桂田表示,2014年北大的校办产业总体健康发展,回报学校持续稳定。据初步统计,本年度校办产业的资产总额将突破1...

people.com.cn Beijing 26 January report (reporter Lin Lu) recently, the school industry annual meeting is held in Peking University in 2014. President assistant Huang Guitian said, the healthy development of school run industry overall 2014 Peking University, School of sustained and stable returns. According to preliminary statistics, the total assets of the school run industry this year will exceed 1...