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The basement fire fortunately no one was injured

2015-02-11 02:47:05来源: 人民网

地下室起火幸无人受伤 多住户疑烟头未灭引燃房屋 京华时报讯(记者张思佳)昨天上午10点左右,太平桥东里小区4号楼一地下室起火,浓烟熏黑了整个楼道,幸无人员伤亡。多名现场居民怀疑,可能是起火房屋住户在室内抽烟后未熄灭烟头所致。昨天下午,西客站消防中队称,火灾过火面积约10平米,起火...

basement fire but no one was hurt many residents suspected destroyed houses JINGWAH cigarette ignition times dispatch (reporter Zhang Sijia) yesterday morning at about 10, in the East Pacific area 4 building a basement fire, heavy smoke blackened the entire building, fortunately without casualties. Many spot residents suspected, may be fire housing tenants not extinguish the cigarette butts due to smoke in the room after the. Yesterday afternoon, the West Railway Station Fire squadron said, fire area of about 10 square meters, the fire...