新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梅雨季防潮电器三菱除湿机MJ-E140AF-C


Rainy season moistureproof electric Mitsubishi dehumidifier MJ-E140AF-C

2015-04-22 18:07:59来源: IT168

【IT168 厂商动态】春夏之交,空气湿度逐渐变大,潮湿的空气迅速侵袭这整个家庭,进入你生活的每个家庭,那么潮湿的环境究竟会带来哪些危害呢?尤其是梅雨季节,空气温度较大,空气中的霉菌遇到适宜条件,便...

[IT168] firm dynamics in late spring and early summer, the air humidity gradually become larger, moist air quickly hit the entire family, every family in your life, what a humid environment which will bring harm? Especially in the rainy season, the air temperature of mold in the air meet, the suitable conditions, then...