新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烂嘴角不是上“火”是病毒如何预防它复发呢?


Rotten mouth not on the "fire" is how the virus preventing its recurrence?

2014-12-20 17:10:18来源: 环球网健康


into the winter, dry climate, with increased rotten mouth. Many patients appear around the lips blisters and feel pain or itching, people often think of this kind of phenomenon is said to be "lit", or "play summer carbuncle", as if the symptoms related to climate, the body heat. The people's Liberation Army General Hospital Department of Dermatology of the First Affiliated Hospital of doctor Li Lei said, in fact, the mouth "fire" and climate are not necessarily linked, but rather a reflection of human body immunity, infection by herpes simplex virus...