新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐嫣一袭白色连衣裙亮相首映礼


Tang Yan dressed in a white dress debut premiere ceremony

2015-09-24 20:36:43来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 9月24日下午,电影《九层妖塔》在北京举行全国首映礼。导演陆川携赵又廷、姚晨、凤小岳、唐嫣、冯粒、王德顺等主创团队出席活动。当日,发布会上,众主创从影片的类型题材、视觉特效、创新改编以...

interaction on the afternoon of September 24, the movie "9 F bewitching tower" in Beijing held the premiere. Director Lu Chuanxie Mark, Chen Yao, Rhydian Vaughan, Tang Yan, Feng Li, Wang Deshun and other creative team to attend activities. On the same day, the press conference, the cast from the film genres, visual effects, adaptation to innovation...