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历史课|乒球全锦赛比奥运还难 刘国梁从未夺冠

PingQiu kam "all history is harder than the Olympics Liu guoliang never win

2016-09-24 20:38:32来源: 新浪

全锦赛男单卫冕冠军樊振东 新浪体育讯 全国乒乓球锦标赛始于1952年,是历史最悠久的国内比赛,也是检验国手硬实力的国内最高水平的赛会制比赛。它又是新人跻身国家队的敲门砖,打进单打前八名可以进入国...

The kam FanZhenDong sina sports news and the men's singles title The national table tennis championships began in 1952, is the oldest of the domestic game, also is the highest level of domestic inspection after hard power SaiHuiZhi game. The key of it is new among the national team, and scored before eight singles can enter the...