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Comprehensive treatment of constipation trouble away

2015-09-30 08:32:07来源: 河北新闻网

省会市民在公园里健身。河北日报、河北新闻网记者赵永辉 摄 河北日报、河北新闻网记者冉亚雄 受访专家:河北医大一院中医科主任白亚萍 秋季便秘患者增多 生活中不少人到了秋季总爱受到便秘的...

provincial public fitness in the park. Hebei Daily, Hebei news network reporter Zhao Yonghui taken the to the Hebei Daily, Hebei news network reporter Ran Yaxiong interview experts: of traditional Chinese medicine; the first hospital of Hebei Medical University, director of the Bai Yaping autumn constipation in patients with increased life in a lot of people to fall in love by constipation.