新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同难关同梦想 大满贯张继科、李晓霞赛前对练

同难关同梦想 大满贯张继科、李晓霞赛前对练

Grand Slam dream with difficulties with Zhang Jike, Li Xiaoxia before sparring

2016-04-28 07:14:53来源: 新浪

张继科在比赛中 新浪体育讯 “你反手真是太厉害了!”未能接住张继科的回球,李晓霞一边弯腰捡球,一边赞许不已。明天,2016年乒乓球亚洲杯就要在迪拜拉开战幕,赛前最后一堂训练课上中国队四名队员上演...

Zhang Jike AP in the game. "You backhand really too much!" Zhang Division failed to catch the ball, Li Xiaoxia while bending over picking, while endless praise. Tomorrow, Table Tennis Asian Cup 2016 will kick off at Di Baila open, before a final training session on the Chinese team of four players staged ...