新关注 > 信息聚合 > 0秒预热 惠普CP5225dn彩色激光打印机

0秒预热 惠普CP5225dn彩色激光打印机

0 seconds preheating HP CP5225dn color laser printer

2017-06-06 08:53:41来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线北京行情)惠普CP5225dn彩色激光打印机,最大处理A3幅面,速度快,打印负荷高,同时标配网络和双面打印功能,经济实用,推荐中小企业用户选购。目前该设备在 惠普专营店(行货保障)降价促销,售价仅为11500元,有需要的企业可以联系供应商。 惠普CP5225dn采用惠普“...

(zhongguancun Beijing) HP CP5225dn color laser printer, the largest processing A3 level, speed, print load is high, the standard network and duplex function at the same time, the economic and practical, and recommend the small and medium-sized enterprise users to choose. At present the equipment in the HP store (smart security) depreciate sales promotion, price is only 11500 yuan, enterprise in need can contact suppliers. HP CP5225dn use HP "...