新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米第四季度超过三星 成印度第一大智能手机厂商

小米第四季度超过三星 成印度第一大智能手机厂商

Millet in the fourth quarter than samsung into India's first large smartphone makers

2018-01-25 10:36:03来源: 新浪科技


Dispatch of sina science and technology, Beijing time on January 25th morning news, there are two technology market research firm, according to the latest figures in the fourth quarter of 2017, samsung smartphone sales lost for the first time in six years India market first throne, overtaken millet. , an analyst at Ethan said du, millet growth due to multiple factors, but it is the key reason of the existing success is from India for autonomy, make it can be carried out in the local...

标签: 三星