新关注 > 信息聚合 > 军队自主择业安置政策实施15年:潮起逐梦海天阔


Forces the independent choosing profession resettlement policy implementation of 15 years: tide by dream the Haitian broad

2015-07-31 20:20:18来源: 中国新闻网

缓缓走出北京西三环边的空军大院,40岁的王平不下十次停下脚步,眼神中充满着不舍和对未来的憧憬…… 这位当年的正团职军官,至今仍清晰地记得这15年前的场景。就在2001年,我国对延续了半个多世纪的军队转业干部安置政策进行了重大改革,由单一的指令性计划分配,改为计划分配与自主择业相结合。...

slowly out of the Beijing West Sanhuan margin of air force compound, 40 year old Wang Ping ten times stopped, eyes full of sadness and longing for the future... This year, the regiment commander officer, still clearly remember the scene 15 years ago. In 2001, our country of lasted more than half a century of demobilized military cadres placement policies were major reform, by single mandatory plan allocation, allocation plans and choose their own jobs combined. ...