新关注 > 信息聚合 > 情人节邀请无证驾驶人员观看“首映礼”


Valentine's day invite staff to watch "premiere" driving without a license

2017-02-15 18:17:01来源: 金羊网

金羊网讯 记者彭纪宁、通讯员谭耀广,陈雪芬摄影报道:14日是西方情人节,江门蓬江交警大队专门为当天的二十多位无证驾驶人员准备了特别的“礼物”:参加无证驾驶交通违法人员交通安全学习班“首映礼”。众多无...

Golden sheep eye net news reporter Peng Jining, correspondent Tan Yaoguang, xue-fen Chen photojournalism: 14 is the western valentine's day, jiangmen PengJiang traffic police brigade specifically for more than two dozen people driving without a license that day prepared a special "gift" : attend traffic illegal workers traffic safety driving without a license classes "premiere". Many of...