新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴萨欧冠次回合战马竞主裁判揭晓 英超第一名哨执法

巴萨欧冠次回合战马竞主裁判揭晓 英超第一名哨执法

Basa Ou crown referee announced the second leg of the Premiership battle Atletico first whistle enforcement

2014-04-07 19:20:17来源: 新浪

韦伯将执法马竞跟巴萨的次回合 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月7号,欧足联官方宣布马竞对阵巴萨欧冠8强赛次回合的主裁判,由素有“英超第一名哨”的韦伯执法。 韦伯曾经执法过巴萨3场比赛,分别是2008...

Weber enforcement Atletico Madrid with Barcelona's second leg Ticker on April 7, the official UEFA match against Atletico Madrid announced the Top 8 Basa Ou crown second leg of the tournament referee, enforced by known as "the first whistle Premiership," Weber. Webber had three games of law enforcement over Barcelona, ​​namely 2008 ...