新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星际2指挥官菲尼克斯详细情报 可变三种形态

星际2指挥官菲尼克斯详细情报 可变三种形态

Starcraft ii commanders phoenix intelligence variable three forms in detail

2017-04-26 15:50:56来源: 17173

昨日,星际争霸2在直播时揭晓了下一个合作任务英雄——菲尼克斯,他将会在3.13版本上线,花费25元即可获得。今日,官方也为我们带来了关于这位指挥官的详细情报。 设计理念 在将菲尼克斯设计成指挥官...

Yesterday unveiled starcraft ii in while she was on the next hero - phoenix cooperation tasks, he will be in version 3.13 online, can get a $25 yuan. Today, the official also gives us a detailed information about the commander. Design concept In phoenix design into the commander...