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北京四中初二女孩作文爆红网络 暖哭无数人!

Girls in Beijing No.4 Middle School burst into tears.

2017-03-31 01:51:33来源: 新浪

“愿你走出半生,归来仍是少年。” 北京四中老师分享了一篇初二学生的作文,文笔流畅,阳光又温暖,说出了很多人到中年想说的话… 这篇名为《愿你》的随笔一经发布就迅速火爆网络。 这篇刷爆朋友圈的“网红”作文是这样的: 见字如面——致未来的张咏言 愿你 亲爱的自己: 我不...

"May you go out of your life, and return is still a teenager." A teacher from Beijing No.4 Middle School shared a student's composition, which was fluent, sunny and warm. The essay, "wish you", was released quickly and became popular. The "net red" composition of this circle of friends is like this: seeing the words like face - to the future Zhang Yan, I wish your dear self: I am not...