新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金属超薄机身 华硕灵耀3精装美颜更有轻薄体验

金属超薄机身 华硕灵耀3精装美颜更有轻薄体验

Ultra-thin metal fuselage Asus ling yao 3 hardcover beauty more frivolous experience

2017-01-05 00:50:53来源: 中关村在线

金属代表质感,超薄更为便捷,这两点已经成为目前轻薄笔记本电脑的必备基因。华硕灵耀3除了拥有这两大轻薄笔记本电脑的特之外,更配备Intel Core i7-7500U处理器、8GB DDR3内存、25...

Metal on behalf of the texture, ultra-thin more convenient, this has become a essential genes of thin and light notebook computers now at two o 'clock. Asus ling yao 3 in addition to having the two big, thin and light notebook computer, the more equipped with Intel Core i7-7500 - u processor, 8 gb of DDR3 memory, 25...