新关注 > 信息聚合 > 淘宝店仍用微信二维码 卖家被指有背景

淘宝店仍用微信二维码 卖家被指有背景

Taobao is still two-dimensional code using micro-channel sellers alleged background

2013-10-14 03:05:09来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】10月14日消息,有知情人士向亿邦动力网爆料称,一家经营藏饰珠宝的淘宝店铺,依旧在明显位置挂有淘宝再三“勒令禁用”的微信二维码。 亿邦动力网发现,在这家名叫“魑魅魍魉甲子”的淘宝店首页,确有一张微信二维码的链接图片。该二维码图片中除了有“微信”字样外,还留下了微信账号,...

[billion state power Reuters October 14 message, informed sources claimed that the billion state power network, a business Tibetan jewelry Taobao shop, still hanging in the apparent position of Taobao repeatedly "ordered to disable the" two-dimensional micro-letter code. Billion state power network found that this is called "demons and monsters six decades," Taobao home, does have a micro-channel two-dimensional code linked picture. In addition to the two-dimensional code in the picture with the word "micro-channel", but also left a micro-channel account ...