新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七夕闺蜜陈意涵为钟汉良裸泳 清纯照撞脸应采儿

七夕闺蜜陈意涵为钟汉良裸泳 清纯照撞脸应采儿

July 7th close friend Ivy Chen Zhong Hanliang naked pure according to hit the face Cherrie Ying

2014-08-01 09:22:25来源: 长江商报

七夕看《闺蜜》陈意涵为钟汉良裸泳 七夕本是情人们过的节日,现如今,随着闺蜜情结的深入人心,一部《闺蜜》让七夕成为“闺蜜经济”的发源地,影片中,陈意涵新片边走边脱衣,自曝曾尝试真实版失恋,在拍这段裸...

July 7th "close friend" to see Ivy Chen Zhong Hanliang this is naked July 7th lovers Festival, now win support among the people, with close friend complex, a "close friend" to become "the boudoir honey July 7th economy" the birthplace of Ivy Chen, in the film, the film walking off, had to admit to the real version of romance, in making this naked...