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《魔兽世界》经典PvE套装盘点 T3的设计太赞了

World of warcraft classic PvE suit inventory T3's design is too great

2018-03-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《魔兽世界》的PVE套装一直是玩家的最终追求之一,一套炫酷的套装能让你在主城站街时风光无限,让我们回顾一下魔兽历史上那些堪称经典的PVE装备套装。 战士T6:冲锋套装 我想不少老战士的仓库中都珍藏着全套冲锋套装。带钉刺的肩膀,厚重的装甲,仿佛火车头一般结实的头盔,配合黑暗神殿掉落的埃辛诺斯壁垒。穿戴全套冲锋套装的战士坦克从造型上就给人一种安全感。选择战士的玩家不仅仅是看起来很酷,而且个个都是性格勇猛的真男人,向他们致敬! 术士T5:腐蚀者套装 术士是邪恶力量的代表,腐蚀者套装很好的诠释了这一点。尖刺的造型演绎着他们疯狂的个性,放射状的巨大肩甲上插满了受害者的遗骸,更不用提那仿...

World of warcraft PVE suit has been the players, one of the final pursuit of a cool suit makes you stood in downtown street scenery infinite, let's review the history of warcraft those classic PVE gear sets. Soldiers T6: charge suit I think a lot of veterans warehouse charge is decorated with a full range of suits. With stud on the shoulder, thick armor, like the locomotive generally strong helmet, with dark Everest elsinore barriers fell on the house of god. Charge a full suit of warrior tanks from the modelling will give people a sense of security. Choose warriors players are not only looks cool, and everyone is fierce real men, to salute them! Warlock T5: corruptors suit the warlock is a representative of the evil force, corruptors suit very good interpretation of it. The modelling of spikes deduce the personality they crazy, radial giant shoulder armor with the remains of the victims, not to mention the copy...

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