新关注 > 信息聚合 > A轮融资超12亿,并购乐动力健身,阿里体育终于“能打80分”了?


A round of funding to exceed 1.2 billion, m&a motivation fitness, ali sports finally will "80"?

2018-04-04 17:43:00来源: 品途网


2018 is sports danian, World Cup hasn't arrived, the heat has ignited the whole industry. A another strategic conferences, events, one after another financing impact to people's attention, for this year's sports industry to gather their strength. This time, in the middle of the stage, it is related to the "BAT" giant star company, ali sports. Into 2018, silence for the sports industry is once again A burst of constant big news, tiger flapping at the beginning of this year. 618 million after financing, and there is A big news recently - ali sports completed A round of funding, more than 1.2 billion yuan, the valuation of more than 8 billion yuan. In fact, about ali sports after looking for A round of funding, had not the industry news. A year ago has spread the news of similar, and the final amount is consistent with the news. However, ali this time...