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Revealed that juve have been registered with the serie a league for higuain

2016-07-27 00:19:51来源: 华体网

意大利多家媒体透露,尤文图斯已经为阿根廷前锋伊瓜因在意甲联盟登记注册,小烟枪即将从那不勒斯转会都灵豪门。 斑马军团已经同意支付9000万欧元的解约金引进这名阿根廷国脚,今天早上的报道指出,28岁的...

Italian media revealed that Juventus have to Argentina striker higuain in serie a league registration, small pipe is about to move from Naples, the Turin giants. The bianconeri have already agreed to pay 90 million euro termination gold introduced the Argentine international, reports this morning, the 28-year-old...