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自带萌宠熊猫 《诛仙世界》新职业长生公布

Comes with adorable pet Panda "kill celestial being world" new career longevity

2015-08-14 11:43:21来源: 新浪

《诛仙世界》将于8月18日“情空御风”测试亮相的第六职业长生,今日终于显露真身,长生外表如萝莉正太,修习伏羲女娲二圣亲传的长生诀心法,可保容颜不衰身躯不老,更可沟通天地万物之灵为己所用。他们一直隐于世间守望神州浩土的安宁,现今因感应到修罗魔尊复苏气息而破关入世。 “仙葫既出啸龙回,不...

"kill celestial being the world released" will be unveiled in August 18, "feeling empty Yufeng" test of the sixth career longevity, today finally revealed Mami, longevity appearance such as Lolita Zhengtai, practicing Pro Fu Xi and Nu Wa er Sheng transfer of immortality tactic, insurable face unabated body is not old, more communication is the soul of the universe of heaven and earth for himself. They have been hidden in the world and China ho soil peace today, due to the induction and recovery Xiuluo mozun breath passes in the world. "Xianhu is Xiao Long back, no...

标签: 诛仙