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《刀剑乱舞》 日本刀拟人化网游吸引女玩家

"Sword" Japanese knife flurry of anthropomorphic female game player online games to attract

2015-04-13 20:08:31来源: 太平洋游戏网

作为美术品的日本刀拥有众多爱好者,不知为何如今却吸引了女性们炙热的目光。日前,一款以日本刀为主题的网络游戏风靡日本。粉丝们不满足于网络游戏,争相涌至书店购买有关日本刀的书籍。部分书籍因此大量增印,迅速形成一股潮流。 据报道,该网络游戏名为《刀剑乱舞Online》,汇集了将“三日月宗近...

as art of Japanese sword has many lovers, I do not know why but now attracting women burning eyes. A few days ago, a Japanese sword as the theme of the network game is popular in japan. The fans are not satisfied with the network game, to the bookstore to buy related to Japanese books. So a lot of printed books, the rapid formation of a trend. According to reports, the network game called "Online" the sword dance, a collection of three cases in the sun "...

标签: 玩家 网游