新关注 > 信息聚合 > C罗or梅西?FIFA主席:官方认可C罗为最佳球员


Cristiano ronaldo or messi? The FIFA President: cristiano ronaldo officially recognised as the best player

2017-03-28 12:59:25来源: 新浪体育

在接受Football Talks采访时,国际足联主席因凡蒂诺谈到了梅西C罗之间比较的话题。对于梅西和C罗,因凡蒂诺表示,我认为梅西和C罗之间有很大的不同,他们的风格各异,身体条件也有区别,但都是那...

An interview in an "Talks, FIFA President from cupertino, talked about the comparison between messi cristiano ronaldo. For Lionel messi and cristiano ronaldo, for whoever perez said that I think are quite different between messi and cristiano ronaldo, the style each different, body condition also have difference, but is that...