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More social, more lazy summer sweat - 51 job survey

2017-08-24 17:41:46来源: DoNews


About smart phones and social networks of squeeze people activity space criticism has not stopped. The temperature in the summer of 2017, China's cities hit a record, how large is the middleman in this hot summer in the workplace "movement"? 51 job (NASDAQ: JOBS), according to a recent survey showed that screen occupied more and more people's time, in conjunction with the "heat", "the house" for most people in the workplace pastime, sharply reduce people's social activities, and more than half of the people feel "healthy" and "mood" gets worse. In this called "this summer, you sweat?" survey, 81% of people said the city this summer temperatures more than usual, so they stay indoors, "wu air conditioning" time more than last year, and 14% said they "so far, no sweat" all summer, 89% of people said the first action is to open air conditioning home. More than 52% of people said that...

标签: 社交