新关注 > 信息聚合 > 回望经典!十大经久不衰的硬件设计


Looking back to classic! The hardware design of the top ten enduring

2016-07-28 06:46:08来源: 中关村在线

设计是科技产品的美感之源,在功能趋于统一的当下更是如此。科技网站TNW近日汇总了10个经典硬件设计,徕卡M3、宝丽来立拍得SX70和Royal打字机等纷纷入选。 苹果设计主管乔尼-艾维(Jony ...

Design is the source of the beauty of technology products, converge the function of the moment. Technology website next recently summarizes 10 classic hardware design, the leica M3, polaroid auction SX70 and Royal typewriter are selected. Apple's design director Johnny - ivy (which Jony...