新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10名辽宁“五一”劳动奖章候选人名单


10 liaoning "51" labor medal list of candidates

2016-09-29 23:57:58来源: 中工网

公示 经全省各基层单位选拔、省卫计委和省教科文卫体工会推荐,省总工会拟授予尹安春等10名护士辽宁“五一”劳动奖章荣誉称号。现予公示(9月28~30日),欢迎社会各界监督。 邮编:110832...

The public through the entire province each basic unit selection, provincial health development planning commission and the provincial general trade union recommended, 10 nurses liaoning provincial federation of trade unions awarded Yin Anchun quasi, "51" labor medal of honour. Are hereby published on September 28 ~ (30), welcome the community supervision. Zip code: 110832...