新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球魔兽月卡价格对比 国服真的是最便宜的吗?

全球魔兽月卡价格对比 国服真的是最便宜的吗?

World of warcraft month card price compared to the clothes really is the cheapest?

2016-08-02 17:30:24来源: 17173

在谈及《魔兽世界》月卡时,官方曾表示国服是全球最便宜的【详细】,究竟是真是假,让我们和国外对比一番。 目前全球共分国服、台服、韩服、美服、欧服五个服务器。其中美服、欧服需额外购买资料片CD-KEY才能游戏,另三个服务器无此需求。 不提买CD-KEY才能玩的美服、欧服,就算是实行点...

When it comes to the world of warcraft month card, the official said the clothes is the world's most cheap 【 】 in detail, what is true or not, let us and foreign contrast. The world is divided into the clothing, clothing, han2 fu2 five servers, beauty and tranquility. Beauty and tranquility of extra purchase expansion pack CD - the KEY to the game, the other three servers without this requirement. Not to mention buy CD - KEY to play beauty and tranquility, even a point...