新关注 > 信息聚合 > 铂涛、58双重加持,窝趣融资后表现优异,强劲发力“下半场”


Platinum tao, 58 double blessing, nest after financing, strong power "in the second half"

2017-10-09 15:42:38来源: DoNews

目前来看,“租赁”这股热潮正以惊人的速度,由点至面地不断扩散蔓延。公寓到底有多“热”?不仅“租售同权”成为2017年下半年的社会热词,面对政策利好和租赁市场不可忽视的潜力,一向嗅觉敏锐的互联网企业及各大房企也都坐不住了:杭州市政府合作阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服集团打造全国首个智慧住房租赁监管服务平台;京东也宣布将在其电商版图中加入新业务——房地产,布局租房领域;万科、龙湖、旭辉、远洋、广电地产等房企也不服输地欲分一杯羹。一声“惊雷”平地起,窝趣牵手58获投5000万除了各界龙头企业频频出手,今年8月,窝趣也高调发布2017品牌战略“深耕一公里”,正式提出 “做中国最优秀的品牌公寓运营商”的品牌愿景。更...

For now, "lease" the craze is at an alarming rate, from point to surface spread to spread. How "hot" apartment? Not only "rental with right" to become a social hot word in the second half of 2017, in the face of policy positive and rental market potential, can not be ignored, has the sense of smell keen Internet companies and each big enterprise, also sit not to live: hangzhou government cooperation alibaba, ant gold group building the first intelligent housing rental service platform; Jingdong also announced that it will add new business in its electricity map - real estate, renting field layout; Vanke, longhu, xu hui, ocean, such as radio, film and real estate enterprise, also do not agree to share. "True grit" the ground, den 58 won in 50 million in addition to leading enterprises from all walks of life hand in hand again and again, in August, litter boring also released a high-profile 2017 brand strategy "deep one kilometer", formally proposed "do the best brand operator" brand vision. More...