新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男子买电脑引纠纷 包装拆开货物难退

男子买电脑引纠纷 包装拆开货物难退

The man bought the computer lead packaging goods returned to

2015-03-17 22:34:31来源: 青岛网络电视台

市民孙先生前两天去百脑汇商场买了台电脑,为了避免被忽悠,人家专门选择315这天去购买,但是没想到,自己却吃了大亏。 孙先生在市区一家软件公司上班,平日的工作离不开电脑,前段时间,他打算把已经用了...

citizen Mr Sun two days prior to the Broadway store to buy a computer, in order to avoid being fooled, they specifically choose 315 day to buy, but did not think of, oneself have suffered. Mr. Sun to work in the urban areas of a software company, everyday work cannot do without computer, some time ago, he intends to have used...