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英雄之境幽影之舞 得英雄岚

The hero of the exit Shadow Dance hero LAN

2015-01-30 11:21:28来源: 4399

4399英雄之境岚怎么得 功夫派幽影之舞攻略 功夫派岚在哪得 活动时间:1月30日起 活动奖励:英雄岚、勾玉 团长们可以从游戏右上方的【活动手册】找到“幽影之舞”活动的入口,也可以从右上方的“幽影之舞”图标直接进入。 “幽影之舞”活动一共分为幽影现身、绯红之夜、忍术修行三个小活动...

4399 hero environment LAN how Kung Fu pie Shadow Dance Raiders Kung Fu school LAN which was activity time: January 30th reward: Hero LAN, sapphire chieftains from the game right above the [activities] find manual "Shadow Dance" activities of the entrance, also can enter directly from the top right of the "Shadow Dance" icon. "Shadow Dance" activities, divided appeared for shadow crimson night, Ninjutsu practice three small activities...