新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范厨师或“续命”比利时 解决内讧属他最佳

范厨师或“续命”比利时 解决内讧属他最佳

Van der chef or "life" Belgium solve faction belong to his best

2016-07-16 15:41:53来源: 华体网

范加尔(资料图) 讯 由于在欧洲杯中仅仅率领比利时打进八强,对此成绩不满意的比利时足协决定让威尔莫茨下课。手握价值4.25亿欧元阵容的威尔莫茨没能打动比利时足协的心更没打动球员的心。 比利时足协...

Louis van gaal (figure) Because in the European cup just led the quarter-finals in Belgium, this result is not satisfied with Belgian football association decided to let motz class. Hand value of euro 425 million squad motz failed to move the heart of Belgian football association, more didn't move the heart of the players. Belgium fa...