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《看门狗2》曝旧金山完整地图 一起畅游三藩市

"Guard dog 2" revealed a complete map of San Francisco Swim with San Francisco

2016-10-27 00:26:28来源: 新浪

育碧的《看门狗2(Watch Dogs 2)》最近已经放出了许多新的情报和截图,还有游戏的预告片。该作主角的主战场是旧金山,但是游戏里面的旧金山到底有多大,我们到现在都不知道。 完整的《看门狗2...

Ubisoft's watchdog 2 (2) Watch Dogs, have recently sent out a lot of new information and screenshots, and the game's trailer. The main key battleground is in San Francisco, but the game how the inside of the San Francisco, we don't know until now. Complete the watchdog 2...