新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝曼奇尼向国米摊牌 留队条件无法满足就走人

曝曼奇尼向国米摊牌 留队条件无法满足就走人

Lay your CARDS on the table revealed mancini to inter Stay conditions can meet will leave

2016-07-22 17:28:26来源: 华体网

曼奇尼或离开国米 7月22日讯 最近一段时间有关曼奇尼将会离开国米的消息不绝于耳,国米主席托希尔在接受采访时表示会在美国与曼奇尼进行一次会谈。而据意大利媒体《意大利足球》的消息,曼奇尼已经对国米高...

Roberto mancini or leave on July 22 - a recent period of time the news about roberto mancini will leave, inter President Joe hill said in an interview will have a meeting with mancini in the United States. And according to the Italian media messages to Italian football, mancini has high against inter...