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What need to eat chicken graphics card? The measured results

2017-10-23 16:30:38来源: 元器件交易网

《绝地求生》早已成为Steam最火游戏,累计1500万份销量中,目前同时在线人数超越200万人,是第二名的《Dota 2》的3倍还多,还拿下六项吉尼斯世界纪录。当然,如果实在手头预算有限,画面调到720P,那么显卡性能可以进一步压缩,但游戏体验就大打折扣了。

To survive the jedi had already become the most fire game, Steam accumulative total of 15 million sales, currently online at the same time beyond 2 million, is the second "Dota 2" more than three times, also scored six the guinness book of world records. Of course, if your budget is limited, the picture to 720 p, so graphics performance can be further compression, but the gaming experience will be discounted.