新关注 > 信息聚合 > 制片人高亚麟称渴望演反派 差点去演蔡成功

制片人高亚麟称渴望演反派 差点去演蔡成功

Producer is high and the scholar said eager to play the villain for CAI almost successful

2017-04-18 15:27:01来源: 中国青年网

“制片人”高亚麟:没想到会这么火,但早有这个野心 《人民的名义》自开播以来,受到各路观众的追捧,收视率一路走高。这出反腐剧随着剧情的逐渐深入,反腐力度开始加码,抽丝剥茧般地渐渐靠近了“大老虎”,...

"Producers" high the cochrane: I didn't expect such fire, but had the ambition of the people's name since its premiere, in each audience's demand, high ratings go all the way. This drama with the gradual development of the plot against corruption, anti-corruption efforts began to overweight, like cobwebs gradually close to the "big tiger",...