新关注 > 信息聚合 > 报告显示:十年间中国高校创新实力快速提高


The report shows: ten years, China's universities and colleges have improved their innovative power rapidly.

2017-10-10 09:57:05来源: 中国新闻网

科技日报北京10月9日电 9日,科技部、教育部正式对外发布《中国普通高校创新能力监测报告2016》,报告显示:十年间,我国普通高校由规模扩张转向内涵发展,科技创新综合实力快速提高,特别是在创新能力建...

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, Oct. 9, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education officially released the "China's ordinary university innovation capacity monitoring report 2016", the report shows: in the past decade, China's ordinary universities from scale expansion to connotation development, scientific and technological innovation comprehensive strength rapidly improved, especially in the building of innovation capacity.