新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天水甘谷重奖教育功臣230万元


Tianshui GanGu handsomely education credited with $2.3 million

2016-09-07 20:16:19来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:甘谷重奖教育功臣230万元 中国甘肃网9月7日讯 据天水日报报道 近日,记者从甘谷县采访获悉,今年该县设立财政专项资金230万元,重奖教学成绩突出的学校和教师。 本次奖励面向一线教师、...

The original title: GanGu handsomely education credited with $2.3 million China's gansu province network - on September 7th Tianshui daily reported Recently, the reporter learned from GanGu county interview that the county set up a special financial fund 2.3 million yuan this year, amply rewarded outstanding school and the teacher teaching achievement. The reward for first-line teachers,...