新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卡希尔遭西亚天价挖角 经纪人:先帮申花进亚冠

卡希尔遭西亚天价挖角 经纪人:先帮申花进亚冠

Cahill being West astronomical poaching agents: first help Shenhua in the AFC

2015-08-09 11:17:39来源: 华体网

当地时间8月8日,据澳大利亚媒体《The world game》的报道,上海申花外援、澳大利亚球星蒂姆-卡希尔收到了一份由一家不愿透露信息的西亚俱乐部提供的合同,他因此可能在今年年底与申花合同结束后...

local time on August 8, according to a report in the Australian media "the world game", Shanghai Shenhua foreign aid, Australia star Tim Cahill received a by a reluctance to disclose the information to the West Club provides contract, so he may at the end at the end of this year and the Shenhua contract...