新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年1月雅思口语Part1和2预测及新题汇总


2015 January IELTS speaking Part1 and forecast and new topic summary] microblogging

2015-01-23 16:29:20来源: 新浪

雅思[微博] 大家一定优先准备“*”和“#”的题目。加“*”的2015年1月新题,加“#”的为已经确认在考的老题,这两种都请大家复习请大家复习。没有标记的话题为上月老题,其中60%会被换掉,你懂...

IELTS [we must give priority to "*" and "#" the title. With "*" 2015 January new questions, # as has been confirmed in reference to the old question, the two please everyone to review please review. No mark of the topic for the 60% matchmaker, will be replaced, you know...