新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江西五十铃MU-X明年5月上市 预售15万起

江西五十铃MU-X明年5月上市 预售15万起

Jiangxi Isuzu MU-X next May pre-sale listing 150000

2014-12-31 12:52:34来源: 中国新闻网

据国内媒体日前报道,江西五十铃首款SUV车型MU-X将于2015年5月正式上市。据了解,新车采用非承载式车身,与五十铃全新一代皮卡D-MAX共享平台,售价区间预计为15-25万元。 外观方面,M...

according to domestic media reported recently, Jiangxi Isuzu first models SUV MU-X will be officially listed in 2015 May. Reportedly, the new car uses non bearing body, and Isuzu new generation pickup D-MAX sharing platform, is expected to be 15-25 million price interval. The outward appearance aspect, M...